Informations générales

The PARIS DRIVE PRESTIGE company is a limited liability company (LLC) whose registered office is located at 15 rue Gambetta, 92150 Suresnes. The company is registered with the Trade register under the SIRET number 804815967 RCS Nanterre, the website is accessible at the following address :, hereinafter “the site”.
TVA FR : 58804815967

Access and use of this site are subject to the so-called “legal wording” as well as the laws and regulations.

Website Creation Agency

This site was created by : SITEPOURVTC
This site is maintained by : SITEPOURVTC
N° Siret : 792 898 207 00016
Code APE : 6201Z
E-mail :

Intellectual Property

This site constitutes a work protected by the copyright in force in France. In addition, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights to the documents contained in the site (texts, photographs, images, etc.) and each of the elements published on the site are the exclusive property of SITEPOURVTC . The use or reproduction of all elements published on the site is expressly prohibited (article 122.4 of the intellectual property code).

Article 1 : Legal Information

Through the law n°2004-575 of 21st June 2004 with the trust in the digital economy, the identity of the various stakeholders needs to be specified.

The site is edited and hosted by the joint stock company O&B SERVICES directed by Youssef Oulamine who is also the editing director. Its headquarters are located at the following address: 84 Boulevard du GENERAL LECLERC, 59100 ROUBAIX.
Registration number RCS: 8397143900019

Telephone: 06/27/83/82/48 e-mail :

All the people who read, browse or use the site will be considered as users.

Article 2 : Confidentiality

To the extent that the site does not collect user data, it is exempt from declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertes.

Article 3 : Cookie Usage

The site may use cookies to enable and collect traffic information, in order to improve the service. The user can oppose to cookie usage by indicating on the site.

Article 4 : Contact.

The user can contact the Editor, contact details are given in Article 1 to report any illegal content or activities. After verification, this shall immediately be deleted if true.

Article 5 : Intellectual property.

The content, structure, animated images of the site are the exclusive property of the website Paris Drive Prestige and may in no case be subject to a total or partial exploitation. The unauthorized use is prohibited and punishable through articles L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property code.